New Parishioners


Nativity is a vibrant, growing parish community where new members are always welcome. We have many active ministeries for all age groups.

For more information on our Parish, contact our Parish secretary at 716-632-8838 ext. 401 or

Registration forms are availaible in the Parish office, or click the link below to access a digital copy of the form now.
When completed, please drop off, or scan and e-mail the form to our Parish secretary. God Bless!

Parish Registration Form

Nativity Rectory

Our Rectory Office is located directory behind the church building at 4375 Harris Hill Rd.

Business hours are M-F, 8:30am - 3:30pm.

Get Connected...

to the Community at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Connecting with NBVM Online & on TV

Connecting with Nativity is easy!  You can connect to watch Mass in real time via Facebook or Vimeo Livestream links below.

You can catch up on past Masses on Vimeo or Facebook, prayer services on YouTube or lessons from our Faith Formation Office on Vimeo Video Collections.

We love to see you in person but we are glad to connect with you online too, be sure to like and follow!


Livestream VIMEO Channel -
Watch any live event or Mass in real time! Once an event begins, the channel will become active. 

VIMEO Videos -
this is where you can watch the Mass or other live events after they are over.

Parish Facebook Page -
For live event video streams and postings from Nativity Parish.

Parish YouTube Page -
For live events and videos. 

VIMEO Video Collections Page -
To rewatch or view past events and archived videos from the different programs Nativity has created, like our "People of Faith" Series

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Our Parish uses Flocknote to reach our parishioners and share:
- Parish News and Upcoming Events;
- Special and holiday Mass Times;
- Faith Formation Registration and other News;
- and more!

Don't miss out, register for Nativity Flocknotes now!
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Faith Formation Facebook Page - For updates on and posts about Nativity's programs for youth.